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Four dead in bacterial outbreak at Seattle hospital

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Cuatro muertos por brote de bacteria en EEUU
  • Four people have died after a bacterial outbreak.
  • Dozens were affected at a Seattle hospital.
  • Klebsiella cases at the hospital had been increasing since October 2022.

Authorities report four deaths from a bacterial outbreak in a Seattle hospital. All four were infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae, a bacteria frequently found in healthcare settings.

This bacteria has also been reported to have developed resistance to some antibiotics. In addition to the four deaths, there have been 31 confirmed infections.

Four dead in bacteria outbreak at Seattle hospital

Four dead in US bacteria outbreak
PHOTO Shutterstock

Seattle authorities announced the deaths of four patients who were in a downtown hospital. They were infected with Klebsiella.

According to USA Today, these patients had been hospitalized in various departments of the Virginia Mason Medical Center. This included medical beds, ICUs and a hospital operating room, according to a statement.

Four dead in Seattle Klebsiella outbreak

Four dead in Seattle bacteria outbreak reported
PHOTO Shutterstock

The hospital notes that the four patients who lost their lives already had complex diagnoses at the time of their admission to the medical center. At the moment it is not clear how the Klebsiella bacteria contributed to their deaths.

It was also reported that medical personnel had detected an increase in cases involving the Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria at the hospital since October 2022. So far there have been 31 confirmed infections.

31 confirmed Klebsiella infections

Dozens of infected confirmed
PHOTO Shutterstock

The last known Klebsiella case at the hospital was confirmed at the beginning of April. Klebsiella pneumoniae is a bacteria that is found naturally in our environment, it may even live in a healthy digestive system. Medical professionals pointed out that the infections occur among sick patients whose immune systems are compromised.

While they are receiving treatment for other conditions, the bacteria can attack. The majority of people who contract the bacteria don’t suffer from an infection.

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