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Millions could receive $2,000 to $14,000 in energy rebates and fuel assistance

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  • Winter is coming and there is help for Americans.
  • Millions could get $2,000 to $14,000 in energy rebates and fuel assistance.
  • Applications opened this week.

Winter is coming and now, more than ever, this money could be of use to millions of families. Pay attention! There are already rebates and assistance available from $2,000 to $14,000 for energy and fuel.

Officials in New Hampshire approved about $104 million for two programs that will be key now that the cold weather is here because the money they will distribute will help thousands of families cover energy and fuel costs.

Millions could get $2,000 to $14,000 for energy rebates and fuel assistance

Rebates available between $2,000 to $14,000 for energy and fuel
Photo: Shutterstock

The funds will be divided into two state programs — about $70 million dollars for the home energy rebate program and another $34 million for the state fuel assistance program, according to the New Hampshire Bulletin.

For the state’s fuel assistance program, local officials already opened the application process earlier this week and, in fact, have already received more than 22,000 applications, which is 6,000 more than they received last year.

How much help can you receive for fuel?

Rebates available between $2,000 to $14,000 for energy and fuel

Despite the huge number of residents who have signed up for fuel aid this year, state officials expect even more people to apply as temperatures drop and the cold gets more intense, said The Sun.

Many families are still wondering how they will heat their homes this winter, which is why officials in New Hampshire have approved fuel benefits that range from $304 to $3,024. The exact amount each recipient gets will depend on household income and energy costs.

Energy assistance programs

Applicants in New Mexico

According to the New Hampshire Department of Energy, the average payment is $1,342.04. They also clarified that this fuel aid does not prevent citizens from receiving any other public assistance. Have you already submitted your request for fuel assistance?

A second program, whose main objective is improve energy efficiency in homes, comes from a $70 million fund. The money will be used to retrofit homes with energy-efficient appliances and to give people rebates for buying upgrades like heat pumps.

Improving energy efficiency

Photo: Shutterstock

The goal of the program is to reduce energy bills in the long run, which will help homeowners save a lot of money. For the first part of the program, which includes energy efficiency retrofits, families could receive between $2,000 and $4,000 in aid, while multi-family buildings could get up to $400,000.

For the second part of the program, families could get rebates of up to $14,000, said the New Hampshire Bulletin. The bad news is that state authorities won’t start the program until the spring of next year, so payments will start arriving later in 2023.

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