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EPISODE 1: The Unexplainable Phenomenon of «The Silence – Missing 411»

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Author and researcher David Olives has dedicated years of his life to investigating the mysterious disappearances in national parks that have occurred in the United States. In his work, known as Missing 411, he describes a series of cases in which people have vanished under unusual or inexplicable circumstances, many of which have been denied or covered up by the National Park Service.

In this first episode of Códice Críptico, we will explore the stories of the survivors, those who have experienced extraordinary events and managed to escape from disappearance. Often, these individuals have been criticized and ridiculed for sharing their experiences with the community. Our lively and enthusiastic host reintroduces us to the Missing 411 phenomenon and invites us to immerse ourselves in the stories of those who have had close encounters with the inexplicable. Listen to the new season of the podcast «Códice Críptico» CLICKING HERE.


The first case of disappearances in national parks presented is that of a park ranger who worked in Smoky National Park. During one of his regular patrols, he experienced a strange phenomenon. Suddenly, everything around him plunged into absolute silence.

The park ranger took refuge next to a tree, feeling a strange sense that something was not right. As he stood there, he noticed the phenomenon of a part of his right foot completely disappearing when he advanced, reappearing when he stepped back. The same happened with his right hand. This bewildering experience led him to return to the trailhead, where the sounds of the forest eventually returned, and he felt safe.

Mysterious presences: The encounter of the siblings in the forest

Fog phenomenon on playground with two people

The next account takes place in a small town in Michigan, where two siblings ventured to play in the woods. While playing, they saw a strange pale face peeking out from behind a tree. Although they initially thought it was a family member playing a prank, they realized that something was not normal.

The mysterious face would disappear and reappear behind different trees, at a distance impossible to cover in such a short time. The children decided to distance themselves, and as they did, they realized they had ventured much deeper into the forest than they had thought. Finally, they managed to escape the unsettling presence and return safely.

Unexplained phenomenon: The unnatural mist and Jean Macbeth’s photograph

Fog phenomenon on forest

Another case presented is that of Jean Macbeth, a hunter who decided to spend time in the woods. From her hiding spot high up in a tree, she observed her surroundings and took photos with her cellphone. Suddenly, she noticed the forest plunging into an unsettling silence and saw an unnatural mist halfway up a nearby tree. This mist seemed to reflect and deflect light, creating a prism-like effect.

Before it disappeared completely, Jean managed to capture a photograph of this phenomenon. Later, she learned that another mysterious incident had occurred in a nearby school, suggesting that something strange was happening in the area.

The disappearances in national parks are just examples of the world’s mysteries


Throughout these accounts, it becomes clear that the witnesses experienced a phenomenon called «The Silence,» in which natural sounds vanished abruptly. Additionally, mysterious presences were perceived, and inexplicable situations were encountered. However, none of the cases posed a direct threat to the witnesses, allowing them to escape unharmed. The host emphasizes the importance of sharing these stories and encourages listeners to submit their own experiences for exploration and analysis in future episodes.

She notes that although these stories may sound incredible, it is important to keep an open mind and seek answers together. With great enthusiasm, the host bids farewell and anticipates the next episode of Códice Críptico, where they will continue to explore the mysteries and enigmas that make us question reality.

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