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Did Adamari López demand $70,000 for her daughter to appear on ‘La Casa de los Famosos 2’? (VIDEO)

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  • Adamari López was demanding.
  • Would Toni Costa’s daughter appear on La Casa de los Famosos 2 if her mother allowed it?
  • A surprise on the reality show exposed the Puerto Rican.

La Casa de los Famosos 2 is nearing its end and, after the exit of Juan Vidal this week, there are only seven houseguests left on the reality show. Toni Costa is one of the possible finalists but, before that, he might receive a huge surprise … only if Adamari López allows it?

This seems to be the case since, in recent weeks, the houseguests have received unexpected visits from people close to them. One of Laura Bozzo’s daughters and granddaughter visited so now the possibility that Alaïa, the beautiful little daughter of Toni Costa and Adamari López, could visit the house as a surprise for her dad is being considered.

Will Adamari López prevent her daughter from seeing Toni Costa?

Adamari López asks for money

And it was Gossip no Like that broke the news about what Adamari López is demanding to allow her daughter Alaïa to visit La Casa de los Famosos 2, in Mexico. Telemundo never expected such demands from the host of the morning show Hoy Día.

«As we recently saw, the production of #LaCasaDeLosFamosos surprised #LauraBozzo with the visit of her daughter and grandson, which generated a high rating for them, so they seek to do the same with the dancer,» reads the description on Gossip no like’s Instagram post.

Will Toni Costa get a surprise visit from Alaïa?

Toni Costa with her daughter Alaïa

The Spanish dancer would be very happy if his little Alaïa visited him on La Casa de los Famosos 2, like Laura Bozzo’s granddaughter, so the show’s production is doing everything possible to negotiate with Adamari López to allow the girl to come, as they are traveling through Europe.

«Telemundo intends to take the little #AlaïaCosta with her dad to achieve numbers like last week, but it will be very expensive,» they continued commenting on Chisme no Like, about the alleged amount that the host of Hoy Día is reported to have requested as a condition for Alaïa to go see her father.

Did Adamari López ask Telemundo for a large amount of money to allow Alaïa on La Casa de los Famosos 2?

The girl with her mother Adamari López

Apparently, Adamari López doesn’t want to have more than the bare minimum to do with Toni Costa. However this move would disrupt her plans because, for days, the Puerto Rican host has been on vacation in different European countries.

«We exclusively reveal to you that #AdamariLópez will accept that her daughter attend the reality show, as long as the production pays her $70,000 for alleged first class plane tickets, since they will move from #Europe to #Mexico,» the program hosted by Javier Ceriani and Elisa Beristain said.

Is it all for the ratings?

Toni Costa will not be able to see her daughter?

According to Elisa Beristáin, if she went on La Casa de los Famosos 2, Adamari López would have to travel from Europe to Mexico with her daughter: “We can confirm that the production spoke with Adamari and told her: ‘My dear and esteemed Adamari, I know you don’t want to talk about him but it is necessary because we have to work on the rating.’ They would have proposed to Adamari that she take her little daughter to Toni, directly to the house,» she said.

People reacted to this situation: “They are on vacation and they have to interrupt them because the program wants to raise the ratings, of course they have to charge for what she spent, very good Ada” “Not bad at all she has the right! She is on vacation in Europe and would have to travel to Mexico and must interrupt it to give a program a rating.” “She only asked for tickets and stay, obviously the production will pay for it.” “Very well Adamari, they want rating, let it cost them.” SEE THE VIDEO FROM CHISME NO LIKE

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