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Debanhi Escobar’s parents are suing Platanito for mocking their daughter’s death

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  • Didn’t he learn his lesson?
  • After making a joke about the children who died in a fire, Platanito screws up again.
  • Debanhi Escobar’s parents are suing the comedian for mocking their daughter’s death.

Platanito does his thing again. Last April nearly everyone in Mexico was shocked when Debanhi Escobar was found dead in a motel cistern near the Monterrey-Laredo highway. The cause of her death? She asphyxiated. She was just 18 years old.

But now, more than six months after this tragic incident, Debanhi’s name is once again on everyone’s lips after the Mexican comedian Sergio Verduzco, better known as the clown Platanito, made fun of her tragic murder. Now her parents have threatened to sue him. Where will all this end?

What did Platanito say about Debanhi Escobar?

What did Platanito say about Debanhi Escobar?
Photo Twitter

In a video that is available on social media, Platanito can be seen in what appears to be a bar saying the following: «I mean, picture me right now: ‘One, two, three, for Debanhi who is in the cistern’…” provoking both laughter and indignation in the crowd.

Now, the Mexican comedian — who had already faced a scandal when he made a tasteless joke about the children who died in a fire at the ABC Nursery in Hermosillo, Sonora, in Mexico several years ago — asked where she was from and how the young woman had died. People replied that she was from Monterrey and had died in a cistern, to which he said: “Drowned, in Monterrey, where there is no water. F… you if you upload this tomorrow.” The reactions were swift.

Platanito is attacked

They go with everything to Platanito
Photo Twitter

It didn’t take long for users to react furiously to this «joke» that Platanito made at the expense of Debanhi Escobar’s tragic death: «This is not black humor, the main problem is that we tend to confuse black humor with tasteless jokes.” “Revictimizing someone is not comedy and, even being a fan of Platanito, his comment and the way he addresses it is terrible.”

“When people lose their lives in horrible ways, it must be respected, there are things that are untouchable, and Debanhi must be like that. He went too far, they should penalize him before he comes out with his apology.» «How to make fun of the misfortune of others? What if something like this happens to your relatives, let’s see if it continues making you laugh.” (CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO)

Debanhi Escobar’s parents will sue

Debanhi Escobar's parents will proceed legally
Instagram photo

In a video that they shared on social media, and that several media outlets picked up, Debanhi Escobar’s parents, Mario Escobar and Dolores Bazaldúa, revealed that they will not tolerate their daughter’s name being used this way. It disrespects her memory and causes them enormous pain.

“Today we found out that they shared a video, a character called Plátano or Platanito, because he is a person who is dedicated to making jokes, who is dedicated to profiting from the pain of others as many people do. Now it’s up to us to respond to this man, that we are upset with him… These are very sensitive things, there are still femicides, there are still people who have disappeared, the Prosecutor’s Offices continue to lie to us, in Nuevo León, in Morelos, in Ciudad Juárez, they continue to play with other people’s pain.”

«He has not put himself in the parents’ shoes»

"You have not put yourself in your parents' shoes."
Instagram photo

“I am sure that he makes his show and profits from the pain of the people who have gone through this situation, I think it’s not correct, he has not put himself in the parents’ shoes. If he were in our place, I think it would also bother him, he must have respect, he must have another context to do his show and respect people who no longer have life,» said Debanhi Escobar’s mother.

On the other hand, the National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence Against Women (CONAVIM), demanded «a public apology» from Sergio Verduzco, better known as Platanito, for the comment he made during one of his shows about Debanhi Escobar. (With information from El financiero, ACE and Excelsior) TO SEE THE VIDEO CLICK HERE

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