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Daughter of Pita Saavedra, Jenni Rivera’s aunt, says her mother abused her

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  • Things get worse for Pita Saavedra.
  • After her son claimed that she had abused a minor, now her daughter claims that her mother abused her.
  • So far, Jenni Rivera’s aunt has not commented on the matter.

Very complicated days are those that Pita Saavedra, Jenni Rivera’s aunt, has lived, since after her son claimed in an interview that she had abused a minor, now her daughter claims that her mother abused her.

It was on the show Chisme No Like, led by Javier Ceriani and Elisa Beristian, where Pita’s children gave a revealing interview. In the first place, the Argentine journalist recalled that it was Jenni Rivera’s aunt who broke into his social networks to ‘criticize’ the Rivera family, without imagining what would come later.

Serious accusations against Pita Saavedra, Jenni Rivera’s aunt

Serious accusations against Pita Saavedra, Jenni Rivera's aunt
Photo Instagram Gossip No Like

After welcoming Sebastián and Nancy, children of Pita, the driver Elisa Beristain shared that when they received the sight of the psychologist Adriana Páramo, she detected that Jenni Rivera’s aunt did not feel remorse and looked bad.

“I am the oldest, I am 42 years old and, as they explained to her, she has not had any regrets and that is why I want her to know, because maybe she will watch the program, I have never spoken, I have never said anything, but I am tired of so much that she puts in her videos ”, expressed Nancy Saavedra.

Pita Saavedra would never have asked her children for forgiveness

Pita Saavedra would never have asked her children for forgiveness
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In this same interview, Nancy assured that her mother has never apologized to her or her brother Sebastián: «The last time she put a video on child abuse is when we already said ‘enough’, it is happening».

Now, Javier Ceriani asked him what is the reason why Pita Saavedra has to apologize, to which he responded as follows: “My brother spoke of a girl that she had abused for 11 years. I was that girl my brother was talking about ”.

Jenni Rivera’s aunt speaks «as if she had no tail to be stepped on»

Jenni Rivera's aunt speaks "as if it does not have a tail to be stepped on"
Photo Instagram Gossip No Like

“She talks a lot about people, talks a lot about the whole family (Rivera), talks about everything as if she didn’t have a tail to be stepped on. A person who has done so much damage, who is a pedophile, I don’t know why he talks so much, «said Nancy Saavedra before the attentive gaze of the program’s hosts.

Elisa Beristain asked the brothers how their life was with Pita Saavedra, recalling that in a previous interview Sebastián assured that his mother was involved with a 15-year-old girl and that she invited Nancy to have relations with her.

«I saw a lot of physical and mental abuse»

"I saw a lot of physical and mental abuse"
Photo YouTube Gossip No Like

Again, Nancy Saavedra took the floor to say that when she was 12 years old, her mother met a 15-year-old girl, but that she saw in a video that Pita Saavedra assured that it was a consensual relationship.

“The girl was 15 years old, she was from a family of parents who did not take care of her or were not attentive parents, so she talks a lot that it was a consensual relationship, but that person was a 15-year-old girl, she did not look her age, but I saw a lot of physical and mental abuse because the person was still a girl ”.

«I saw many lawsuits»

"I saw many lawsuits"
Photo YouTube Gossip No Like

Nancy shared that she advised this person several times to leave her mother: “When her mother tried to control her to stop seeing my mother, she would go out the windows, so the mother did try several times to let them , but I was already very involved with her ”.

On the other hand, Sebastián commented that he was a witness on several occasions of lawsuits that his mother, Pita Saavedra, had with this woman and with another person: “For many years, I saw many lawsuits, from when I was 5 to 16 that she threw me of the house ”.

Nancy tells what her mother, Pita Saavedra, did to her

Nancy tells what her mother, Pita Saavedra, did to her
Photo YouTube Gossip No Like

Pita Saavedra’s daughter recalled that her mother, when she was pregnant with Sebastián, was the initiator for the abuse to begin: “In that video, the girl explains that her mother told her that this was normal, that this happened and it was exactly like that that she was brainwashing me at age 11 ”.

“I tried to contact that girl, but she never answered me and then I started to wonder if it was something they did, an act, I don’t know, but after the years passed, when she met this 15-year-old girl, she had already spent with me ”.

«Put yourself in the mind of an 11-year-old girl»

"Put yourself in the mind of an 11 year old girl"
Photo YouTube Gossip No Like

Calm, Nancy told Javier Ceriani and Elisa Beristain to put themselves in the mind of an 11-year-old girl when hearing those words from her mother and aside, she confessed that she hardly ever saw her father: “Many people, when they doubt that someone is going to lie about something so serious, it has to be put into the mind of an 11-year-old girl ”.

“If my own mother is doing that to me, where am I going to go? I have two children that I have to take care of myself, I raised them, they both left home very young ”, expressed Nancy. Now, Sebastián would be the one who would speak in this interview.

«At that time I had a lot of courage»

"I had a lot of courage at that time"
Photo YouTube Gossip No Like

Regarding how he found out about Pita Saavedra’s abuse of his sister, Sebastián said that it was after Nancy gave him a letter in which he recounted what happened to him and asked him to hand it over to Chiquis Rivera’s aunt: “I at that time I had a lot of courage ”.

«In those days I told my mother something and that is why she ran me, threw all my things into the street, she said no, but it is true, I have uncles, aunts, cousins, who were there watching», commented the young man, who assured that no one from the Rivera family had found out about this. «

«Those people are cursed»

"Those people are cursed"
Photo YouTube Gossip No Like

It did not take long for users to react to this video in which the daughter of Pita Saavedra, Jenni Rivera’s aunt, assures that her mother abused her: «These types of people are not sick, those people are cursed», «What crime against defenseless little people for whom he brought them into the world in his womb, God have mercy on those boys and move on ”.

“I do believe them. And from her own mouth it came out that she had a relationship with a 165-year-old girl. That gives a lot to talk about ”,“ The whole family needs therapy and of course God ”,“ Poor family, how sad it really is, God help them ”.

«Poor you, Nancy, you are brave»

"Poor you, Nancy, you are brave"
Photo YouTube Gossip No Like

On the other hand, one person expressed himself in the following way: “Poor you, Nancy, you are brave to speak of the pain caused by the mother who gave birth to you”, while someone else said: “We must pray for humanity, crazy and sick people ”.

«Why do they say Rivera family? The aberrant Pita is Saavedra. Poor boys, the one who should protect you ‘a mother’ what do you mean to be able to harm what is loved the most in life, the children «,» How outrageous, I believed Pita and now I do not believe anything » , you can read in more comments. SOME PICTURES WERE TAKEN FROM THIS VIDEO

The post Daughter of Pita Saavedra, Jenni Rivera’s aunt, says her mother abused her appeared first on Hispanic World.


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