Dating an Aquarius woman: 10 things every man should know

Aquarius women are detail oriented
Aquarius women tend to be extremely detail oriented, especially with their partners. Sending messages, sending letters all those little details can make a difference when dating someone born under this sign. This aspect is very important, since details are essential to keep the flame of the relationship alive.
Optimistic Aquarius

If you are dating an Aquarius woman you should know that they are usually optimistic partners who try to solve problems with an open mind and as patiently as possible. This is why the Aquarius sign is good for long-distance relationships. They will always find a way to connect with their partner.
An Aquarius woman likes adventure
Maintaining a romantic relationship with an Aquarius woman is knowing that she is a free spirit who likes adventure, change, spontaneity, and connection with everyone around her. Planning a trip, breaking the routine by visiting new places and even the simple fact of connecting with your partner are highly appreciated by Aquarius women, who look for similar traits in a man.
She is a working woman

For an Aquarius woman, it is not just about finding a job. She has to find a career that gives her the certainty that she is contributing positively to the world. She is not afraid of work, and even less of challenges. If she is offered a job in another part of the world, it is very possible that she will take it, as she will be attracted to adventure and will never miss an opportunity to grow in all areas.
They like gifts
Who doesn’t like gifts, right? If you’re dating an Aquarius woman, don’t be afraid to ask her what she’s interested in, what she likes to surround herself with, and what gifts she’d like to receive. It can be something simple like a bouquet of flowers or as elaborate as a piece of jewelry that suits her personality. Just remember that the little details will help you win her heart.
Aquarians are sensitive

One way to conquer an Aquarius woman is through the senses. They are perceptive, sensitive people with a special attachment to nature and art, so don’t hesitate to invite her on a date in a museum, park or restaurant. If your partner is an Aquarius, remember that it will always be a good idea to take her to a concert or dance performance, anything to feed her imagination.
Aquarians are social butterflies
Aquarius women are not usually jealous, but they do not welcome questioning either, especially since they are highly sensitive and sociable people who like to have many friends. Perhaps at some point you find yourself in a situation where she talks to you about her former partners or friends of the opposite sex, but remember that if she has chosen you it is because she considers you the ideal partner for her.
They tend to distance themselves easily

Remember that an Aquarius woman likes adventures, enjoys exploring new places and making the most of her experiences, so it’s not unusual for this to cause them to distance themselves emotionally from time to time. They tend to lock themselves in their own thoughts and overthink some things, but this is temporary.
They don’t like conflict
Although it is true that Aquarian women are sensitive and loving people, they also tend prefer prompt resolution of conflicts and even avoid them at all costs. Forget about confronting an Aquarius woman. These types of relationships are exhausting to them and they won’t stick around long.
A woman who has a great sense of humor

Just as they do not like conflict, they are also not attracted to men who do not have a sense of humor or can’t see the positive side of things. For a woman born under this sign, it is important to share moments of laughter, fun and relaxation with her partner. If she finds you boring, she’ll probably get away from you in no time.
The post Dating an Aquarius Woman: 10 Things Every Man Should Know appeared first on Mundo Hispanico.