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Christian Chávez dressed as Thalía on the RBD tour

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Christian Chávez dressed Thalía, actor, singer, RBD, MundoNOW / Christian Chávez vestido Thalía, actor, cantante, RBD, MundoNOW
Christian Chávez dressed as Thalía / PHOTO: Mezcalent
  • Christian Chávez dressed as Thalía.
  • What he says about confronting homophobia.
  • The RBD tour is a huge success.

At the end of August, the music group RBD kicked of their tour with great success in El Paso, Texas.

They went on to visit more cities in the United States and then continued to Brazil, where they are all idols.

Since November 23, they have been performing in Mexico — specifically in Monterrey, Nuevo León, and later in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

One of the members who has attracted the most attention on this tour is Christian Chávez, who appeared dressed as Thalía in one of their shows.

Christian Chávez talks about dealing with homophobia

pride, lgbt, gay, homophobia, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Mezcalent

At the end of last year, Christian Chávez granted a revealing interview to Yordi Rosado for his YouTube channel.

In this conversation, the actor and singer revealed that he publicly came out as gay in 2007, but it took several years for him to feel comfortable with his sexuality.

After ending his first relationship with a man at the age of 17, he decided to come out and tell his parents.

«How can it be that the people who love me the most don’t know who I really am? It was very important to me,» he said.

His parents rejected him

Christian Chávez dressed Thalía, parents, Luis Chávez, Olivia Garza, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Mezcalent

Though he thought his parents would take his coming out well, the reality was very different.

«My mom (Olivia Garza) obviously got very upset… At that moment, she kicked me out of the house, told me I was going to die of AIDS,» said the actor.

Christian Chávez also recalled that his father (Luis Chávez) was shocked and thought it was just a phase.

«He said something that hurt me: ‘Don’t make it obvious. Don’t bring anyone here,'» the RBD member said. To see the full interview click HERE.

Chávez makes headlines at RBD concerts

concerts, shows, tour, LGBT flag, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Mezcalent

According to SDP Noticias, Christian Chávez did something unbelievable at an RBD concert.

With the aim of confronting homophobia, he displayed a Mexican flag that contained the colors of the Pride flag.

He was criticized for this, as well as for wearing a pink and gold charro suit days before.

«Love yourself as you are, and if others don’t love you, let them go…, because you are perfect,» he said on that occasion.

Christian Chávez dressed as Thalía in a guitar bra

Christian Chávez dressed Thalía, Mexican love, Guadalajara, Jalisco, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Mezcalent

According to El Universo, Christian Chávez dressed as Thalía for the RBD concert in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

He wrote on social media: «Tribute to the diva of Mexico and Latin America,» which provoked all kinds of reactions.

It was a version of the outfit that the she wore in a show for the Spanish television network RTVE in 1997.

On that occasion, Thalía performed one of her most popular hits, ‘Amor a la Mexicana’ wearing a guitar bra.

Not everyone was a fan

artist, Mexico, Mexican love, RTVE, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Mezcalent

However, social media users weren’t thrilled that Christian Chávez dressed as Thalía in a guitar bra.

Several people commented on an Instagram post by Caras magazine, several people did not hold back and went all out on the RBD member.

«Christian Chávez is such a bother. He always wants to be the center of attention, and when he’s not, he cries like a little girl. Boring,» said one person.

Finally, someone else said that this young man was lazy and ridiculous.

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