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Police arrest woman hiding cocaine in fake pregnancy belly

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  • Police find cocaine hidden in woman’s fake pregnancy belly.
  • Cemeka Mitchem was smuggling 1.5k grams of cocaine.
  • It was just a routine traffic stop.

Woman caught hiding cocaine in fake pregnancy belly. Anderson County police officers had a hunch that sent Anthony Miller and Cemeka Dannette Mitchem to jail after a routine traffic stop on Interstate 85 in North Carolina. They discovered Mitchem was hiding cocaine in a fake pregnancy belly.

Police became suspicious when she and her partner gave conflicting stories about when she was due. When they checked, it turned out she was hiding a 1,500-gram package of cocaine in her rubber belly.

Police arrest Cemeka Mitchem for smuggling cocaine in a fake pregnancy belly

They arrest a false pregnant woman with a cocaine belly
Photos: Anderson County Sheriff’s Office

Cemeka Mitchem’s nervousness and confusion about the alleged baby’s due date made the officers suspicious. Seeing this, she tried escape from them, but could not. The rubber belly fell off and the drugs fell onto the street.

Police reported on Facebook that authorities discovered more than 1,500 grams of cocaine inside the belly. According to detention center records consulted by MundoNow, Miller and Mitchem were arrested on April 12, 2023 on charges of cocaine trafficking, and held without bail.

Both could receive up to 30 years in prison and a steep fine

Both could receive sentences of up to 30 years and an
Photos: Anderson County Sheriff’s Office

Judge Denise Malone will hear the case and determine the pair’s fate. For now, she has denied them bail. If they are found guilty, both could receive sentences of up to 30 years and a fine of around $200,000.

The couple is from Charlotte and initially the officer stopped them for reckless driving and a near collision with another vehicle. The couple’s inconsistent answers prompted the officers to search the vehicle and ask them more questions.

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