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How same-sex couples can receive the blessing of the Catholic Church

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Catholic church blessing same-sex couples / PHOTO: Shutterstock
  • Catholic Church blessing same-sex couples.
  • Pope Francis recently made the announcement.
  • It’s a radical change.

Great news! On Monday, December 18, the Catholic Church approved the blessing same-sex couples.

In addition, Pope Francis stated that priests can administer blessings to couples in ‘irregular’ situations.

This is allowed, as long as these blessings are not part of a church ritual or liturgy. In other words, it can’t be a marriage or civil union.

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According to the BBC, this document consists of eight pages, where it is clarified that the Catholic blessing seeks to establish that God «welcomes everyone.»

Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, originally from Argentina, prepared this statement, and it is the first one published by the former Holy Office in 23 years.

Priests «should not prevent or prohibit the Church’s closeness to people in any situation…»

Also, same-sex couples or those in ‘irregular’ situations can seek God’s help through a simple blessing.

The Catholic Church begins blessing same-sex couples

Víctor Manuel Fernández, cardinal, prefect, marriage, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Shutterstock

The current prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith provided more details about the Catholic Church blessing same-sex couples.

«We do not intend to legitimize anything but only to open life to God, to ask for His help to live better,» said Víctor Manuel Fernández.

He also said that they seek to invoke the Holy Spirit so that the values of the Gospel can be lived with greater fidelity.

Since being elected Pope, Francis has sought to make the Catholic Church more open.

Catholic blessing same-sex couples cannot be linked to a civil union

blessing same-sex couples, civil ceremony, Holy See, Holy Spirit, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Shutterstock

Finally, it is worth clarifying one aspect regarding the Catholic blessing for same-sex couples.

According to the Holy See, this can only be applied to those who «do not seek legitimization of their own condition.»

In other words, they «pray that everything that is true, good, and valid in their lives and relationships may be enriched, healed, and elevated by the presence of the Holy Spirit.»

However, the Catholic blessing cannot be linked to a civil union or be performed with garments, gestures or words typical of a wedding.

Can priests marry LGBT couples?

Catholic blessing same-sex couples, LGBT couples, homosexual marriage, wedding, MundoNOW
PHOTO: Shutterstock

According to Telemundo, there is more to clarify regarding the Catholic Church blessing same-sex couples.

Nothing has changed in the Catholic Church’s firm opposition to gay marriage.

This new document aims to allow any couple in an «irregular union» to seek and receive the love and mercy of God.

This can include both LGBT couples and heterosexual couples who have not been married by the church.

Where can these blessings be performed?

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PHOTO: Shutterstock

Finally, it must be said that these blessings can be performed during a visit to a sanctuary of the Catholic Church.

According to Telemundo, they can also take place during a meeting with a priest, a group prayer or a pilgrimage.

Additionally, this Catholic blessing should not be codified or established through procedures or rituals of the dioceses. Pay close attention to this.

Priests should be trained to offer spontaneous blessings outside the set of blessings approved by the church.

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