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‘La Migra’ announced how deportations will increase after Title 42 ends (VIDEO)

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  • Title 42 ends on May 11.
  • The US is bracing for a flood of immigrants.
  • Border Patrol explains the new asylum process and how deportations will increase.

Title 42 ends this week. The countdown begins as Title 42 is about to expire and the United States is bracing for a flood of migrants before midnight on May 11. One of the measures put in place to counteract the illegal entries is to add 1,500 soldiers to the 2,500 already on the southern border.

Title 42, which was implemented in early 2020 with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, allowed the US government to quickly remove illegal border crossers from Mexico, including asylum seekers.

What will happen when Title 42 ends?

Will there be no more deportations?
PHOTO: Twitter

The news of the end of the health measure implemented by the Trump administration and continued by Joe Biden, resulted in an flood of entire families and groups from Venezuela, Cuba, Guatemala, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, China, Haiti, Africa, Colombia and Nicaragua to border communities. Many believe it will be easier to enter the US after Title 42 ends.

In a short recording, Border Patrol explained what will happen to those who enter the United States illegally before or after Title 42 ends. «Everyone will be processed and repatriated to Mexico.»

Will immigrants still be deported?

They say how they will deport immigrants
PHOTO: Twitter

The official explains in the recording that those who cross illegally will first have biographical information taken and their documentation will be reviewed. Migrants will be taken to a processing center where they will do a criminal background check. Then they will be taken to a port of entry and will be expelled.

After the end of Title 42, expedited removals will be processed under Title 8, which means those who cross illegally will still be expelled but «with the consequences of being prosecuted for a federal crime and facing criminal charges attached to removal.»

The CBP One app

Implementation of the CBP One app
PHOTO: Twitter

The US government says that it has been preparing for a year for what the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, considers an «extremely challenging» situation.

During those 12 months, attempts have been made to create more legal pathways for entry, such as the creation of centers in foreign countries from where authorization to emigrate can be requested, humanitarian permits for temporary stay and request for appointments through the CBP One app.

More than 12,000 immigrants are waiting in Mexico

They count more than 12 thousand immigrants in Mexico
PHOTO: Twitter

On the Mexican side, the authorities count more than 12,000 migrants waiting for their opportunity to cross the southern border. In the Rio Bravo pass, the number of people is increasing at an unprecedented rate.

Uncertainty reigns at each extreme and what is to come in the next few hours will depend on the rationality of those who try to enter or the ability of the authorities to contain them. The world is waiting.

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