Has the end of the world already begun? Hundreds of birds fall dead in the streets of Mexico (VIDEO)

- Has the end of the world already begun?
- A video showing hundreds of birds dying in Mexico has gone viral.
- People have many theories about it.
Hundreds of birds die in Mexico. The end of the world has been said to be imminent hundreds of times. And apocalyptic events have indeed taken place around the world, periodically terrifying people. However, to this day no one has been able to really guess when humanity will end.
Videos of weird events involving animals abound on social media, so it’s up to each individual to decide whether they believe whether or not these are apocalyptic signs. Incidents that have sparked concern among users include thousands of dead fish and hundreds of crows gathering in one place.
Hundreds of birds mysteriously fall out of the sky and die in Mexico
In recent days, a video has been circulating where you can see the exact moment when hundreds of birds mysteriously fall to the ground and instantly die. Everything seems to indicate that this incident took place in the city of Cuauhtémoc, in Chihuahua.
The images show migratory birds crashing into the ground in Mexico. The video comes from a security camera that recorded just as they fall to their death. The strange occurrence was recorded last Monday at around 5pm.
Hundreds of birds die in Mexico: Is this the end of the world?
According to ABC News, the residents of the area called authorities upon seeing the strange behavior of the birds. At least 100 dead migratory birds of the Yellow-headed Thrush (Xanthocephalus) species were found at the site, sparking questions among residents.
It is worth mentioning that these animals regularly migrate from northern Canada to northern Mexico where they spend the winter. The dead birds were located on Aldama Avenue, in the downtown area of the city in Chihuahua, Mexico, according to the media.
The entire flock mysteriously fell to the ground
It should be remembered that predictions for this year say that it will be a chaotic year with Covid-19 still affecting the world as well as various weather phenomena. As a matter of fact, in just two months there have been several events that seem to prove it really could be the end of the world.
These images of birds mysteriously falling to the ground are like something from a horror movie. The shocking video shows a flock of birds crashing onto the ground.
Toxic smoke inhalation?
So far no-one knows what happened to the animals. However, a zootechnical veterinarian stated that the birds could have died due to inhalation of toxic smoke, perhaps from a nearby heater. This is a known problem with pollution in Mexico.
He also pointed out that another reason could be that when they were standing on the electric power cables, an overload occurred, electrocuting them. Public Services personnel arrived at the site to clean them up. Is it possible that the end of the world is near? Filed Under: Hundreds of Birds Die Mexico. TO SEE THE VIDEO CLICK HERE .
Many are not convinced by that theory
The Escenario Final Instagram account shared the video of the dead birds and gave their version of the events. They said that it was due to the inhalation of the toxic smoke that fills the Mexican sky.
«The zoo technician and professional who attended indicated that the birds could have died due to inhalation of toxic smoke in #Chihuahua,» the post reads. Immediately, several internet users responded to the post and gave their theories. Filed Under: Hundreds of birds die Mexico
“Something hit them”

“They are destroying the planet in the same way they fumigated us with COVID.” “I won’t be deceived. That was not inhalation of any smoke.” “Something hit them… This is strange… Poor things.”
“It seems as if just at that moment something was thrown at those birds and many fell dead. Others managed to flee from the site, I hope those will not die later, I agree that it was probably 5G.” “It seems that they were thrown from a plane or something like that.” These were some of the comments. Filed Under: Hundreds of birds die Mexico.
The post Did the end of the world begin in Mexico? Hundreds of birds fall dead in the streets (VIDEO) appeared first on Mundo Hispanico.