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Biden discusses possible Israeli attack on Iran’s oil facilities

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Biden discusses Israeli attack on Iran, US Believes Ceasefire in Gaza, war, usa, Guerra, Israel, Gaza, EEUU, Biden, MundoNOW
Biden discusses Israeli attack on Iran (Photo: Shutterstock)
  • Biden discusses Israeli attack on Iran.
  • Israel will not retaliate today.
  • Israeli bombings cause 2,000 deaths.

U.S. President Joe Biden stated that he is in talks with Israel about a potential attack on Iran’s oil facilities.

This possible strike would be in retaliation for the launch of 200 Iranian missiles over Israeli territory this Tuesday.

Biden spoke to the press in the South Lawn of the White House before boarding Marine One, en route to Florida and Georgia.

Amid the noise of the helicopter, a journalist asked if he would support an Israeli attack on Iran.

Biden clarifies the U.S. position on Israeli retaliation

Biden Israeli attack on Iran, Israel, Iran, attack, War
Biden discusses Israeli attack on Iran – Biden discusses Israeli attack on Iran: mounting tensions / Photo: AP

Biden responded: «We are discussing that.»

The president made it clear that Israel would not take any retaliatory action today.

He added that the U.S. does not «permit» Israel to act but offers advice as its closest ally.

Biden emphasized that he would not support an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities in retaliation.

Iran’s attack on Israel is the first since April when they also targeted Israeli airbases.

Tuesday’s offensive comes amid rising tensions in the region.

You may be interested: Shocking images of Iranian missiles falling on Israel

On Monday, Israel announced the deployment of troops to southern Lebanon to dismantle Hezbollah infrastructure.

Israeli bombings have already caused 2,000 deaths and displaced a million people, according to Lebanese authorities.

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