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Entre Madres y Doctoras: Being Independent

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Ser independiente, Coche, Revisar, MundoNow, Podcast
Being Independent, Shutterstock
  • Entre Madres y Doctoras shares a story about being independent.
  • Dr. Evelyn had a problem with a tire that was low on air.
  • She knew how to solve this dilemma, but it made her reflect on what it means not to depend on someone else.

Dr. Evelyn recounted that while her husband was away on a trip, she had a problem with her car.

It’s worth noting that she mentioned feeling deep admiration for single mothers, as until that week, she could only imagine the burden, but had not experienced it.

She relates that she has no idea how they do it and that they truly deserve all the credit in the world and a lot of respect.

After expressing her respect for these amazing women, she shared what happened with her car.

A Tire Low on Air

Flatout, Change, Help, MundoNow, Podcast

Since she needed time to work and run errands, Evelyn found herself needing to take her children to daycare.

While taking the little ones, she started noticing that a light on her car’s dashboard lit up.

It was a light that turns on when there are issues with the tires. She knew what that meant, but knowing what it is and knowing how to solve it are two completely different stories.

Even though she was aware of the situation, she had to get to the daycare. From the moment she arrived, she got out of the car to see what was going on.

Solving the Problem

Car, Black, Transportation, MundoNow, Podcast

She realized then that the tire was low on air. She knew it was that, but decided to call her husband to tell him.

Her husband told her that it’s risky to drive like that, something she already knew, but she appreciated what her partner was telling her.

When she finished talking, she set out to see what to do. Fortunately for her, her father had taught her how to inflate tires.

At another time, he had told her that she had to learn to do that no matter what. So she set out to do it. While going for air, she felt she lost a bit of control of the car, but was thankful that it was nothing serious.

Being Independent

Air meter, Mechanic, Diagnostic, MundoNow, Podcast

As she was resolving the situation, a thought came to her. It was about having to learn to be independent in automotive aspects.

Knowing how to change a tire, knowing how to read the car’s dashboard, inflating a tire, etc. She realized that she couldn’t depend on another person or wait for someone to always come to her rescue whenever she had a problem.

This incident with a low air tire made her realize what her dad wanted to teach her, to be as independent as possible.

In the end, she was able to resolve the car and tire situation, but she set out to learn to be independent in solving these issues that can happen to anyone but they don’t know how to solve them or what to do.

It’s Okay to Ask for Help

Change tire, Jack, Tool, MundoNow, Podcast

This story is not about not asking for help, it’s about not depending on someone. The more you learn about a certain situation, the more tools you’ll have to solve it or know where you are at a certain moment.

Evelyn had an idea of what was happening and that’s why she could solve the situation, but she did realize that she needed to be better prepared to take care of herself and her children for more security.

It’s okay to ask for help, but being independent is important to solve certain situations that come to us in different everyday aspects.

Entre Madres y Doctoras says goodbye for now and thanks you for your attention. You’re doing great!

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