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Arizona raises funds to give scholarships to undocumented students

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Foto: Shutterstock / Video: MH
  • They raise funds to give scholarships to undocumented students
  • With this program they have already helped more than 220 undocumented students in Arizona
  • They hope that many more will be able to continue their studies at universities and community colleges

In light of the growing barriers that the Trump Administration has raised for young people protected by Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), organizations in the state of Arizona have come together to promote an initiative that allows them to raise funds to give scholarships. undocumented students.

Is about Scholarships AZ and ALAS, organizations that have been working on this project called Immigrant Scholarship Hustle (ISH) for three years.

With it, they have helped more than 220 undocumented students in Arizona, especially in Tucson and Phoenix, and they hope to continue offering these young people the opportunity to continue their studies at universities and community colleges.

Carolina Silva, representative of ScholarshipA-Z, told EFE that «this program is for undocumented youth for undocumented youth.»

Photo: Scholarships AZ Website

Arizona: Raise funds to give scholarships to undocumented students

This Friday they announced that to meet their goal of continuing to provide scholarships they have started a fundraising campaign.

Especially since the pandemic has made the situation worse. «Many have lost their jobs, some young people are having to make the tough decision to use the money they had earmarked for their studies to pay their rent and help their parents,» Silva told EFE.

For undocumented immigrants it is really difficult to finish high school and begin their university studies. Although universities and community colleges have provided “reduced” fees for them, many cannot afford tuition. According to Silva, we would be talking about about $ 12,000 dollars that an undocumented student would have to pay per year to be able to study at a community college in Tucson. If it is in a university it is much more.

If any person wishes to make a contribution to this cause, they should only enter the Web page of organizations. Also if a young person wishes to apply to receive the help of the foundations to continue their studies or to get all the information to qualify for a scholarship.

«Here we are already waiting for the ticket»: Hispanics in Arizona wait and despair

Although the agreement in Washington on a second aid package still looks far away, Latino families do not lose hope of receiving a second financial boost to reactivate their finances and cope with the devastation that the coronavirus has left in their jobs and homes.

After months of facing a public health crisis that has devastated businesses and companies, Hispanics in the country have had to figure out how to support their families’ finances, and they assure that a new check would come to «refresh» their worn out economy.

“Surely a second check would help me a lot, the first stimulus put me up to date with my mortgage. I would use this second support to pay off my car debt, ”Mexican Georgina Pérez, who lost her job due to the coronavirus, told Efe.

The mother of three who resides in Phoenix (Arizona) still has the support of unemployment, so she assures that she does not want to base all her expectations to solve her financial situation with a second federal support.

«We know it’s not safe, but how would it get us out of trouble.»

Hispanics in Arizona wait and despair for second aid check

Hispanics in Arizona wait and despair for a second aid check. Illustrative photo Getty


At the end of March the United States government approved a first package consisting of 2.2 trillion dollars, which included a check for 1,200 dollars for some taxpayers in the country.

Millions of people are currently on the lookout for discussion in Congress about the new economic package, which could include a new check for those who qualify.

Rosa Pastrana, one of the indirect beneficiaries of this stimulus, is «hopeful» to receive a second: «Here we are already waiting for the ticket.»

The three children of the Mexican, aged 15, 21 and 29, all of them born in the United States, received federal money to face the pandemic, which injected almost $ 4,000 into the pocket of the family that lives in Maryvale, a Latin suburb one of the most expensive in Arizona.

“It was good for us, we paid the car payments, we helped each other with food and we owed almost a thousand dollars for electricity, because since May we have not paid. Now, I do not miss the news waiting for the announcement of the new support, the money is urgent, «the native immigrant from Guerrero told Efe.

Hispanics in Arizona wait and despair for second aid check

Hispanics in Arizona wait and despair for a second aid check. Illustrative photo Getty


Despite his family received a considerable monetary contribution, he is not entirely satisfied with the actions of the Donald Trump government, since he assures that the undocumented should also have been considered in the financial stimulus package.

«It is an injustice not to help us, they only use us for what is convenient for them, we also pay taxes, they are very good at taking away from us, but they do not return anything,» he said.

The desperation of many families for a second help has increased calls to the office of the income tax specialist, Claudia Cota, who told Efe that there is a lot of «misleading» information on the networks that seeks to confuse immigrants and occasions to let them down.

“It is common that they are confusing them with published of ‘it’s coming, be prepared’, many look for followers on their pages, others may be frauds, so it is important that they know that the only valid and updated information is the one provided by the IRS ( Internal Revenue Service), ”he said.

Filed As: Arizona: Raise funds to give scholarships to undocumented students

The post Arizona: Raise funds to give scholarships to undocumented students appeared first on Hispanic World.


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