Welcome to the Mundo Mami portal, the site where you will have at hand the best maternity, breastfeeding and parenting secrets for all stages of your baby.

5 reasons why it is good to swim during pregnancy
What are the benefits of swimming during pregnancy? Low-impact exercise may be the key to relieving the most common symptoms of pregnancy. Know the benefits of swimming…

Understanding the benefits of egg donation
Learn about egg donation requirements. You can make money and help others Don't enter into egg donation lightly. Egg donation is an extraordinary journey that combines earning…

Mastering the art of coparenting: Strategies for success
Learn how to coparent successfully. Try these strategies. It's a common but complex situation. Coparenting, the shared responsibility of raising a child after a separation or divorce,…

A guide to poop: What new parents should know
Learn about the types of baby poop. A guide for new parents. What the different colors mean. For new parents, understanding the various types of baby poop…

Game nights just got better: Traditional games for modern families
Enjoy some traditional games. Host a game night for friends and family. It's a great way to bond. Game nights are a fantastic opportunity for families to…

TikTok hashtags that direct children to adult content
TikTok hashtags for porn are being used by children. The hashtags lead to adult content. Parents need to be alert. Nowadays, it is quite common to see…

Setting healthy screen time boundaries for kids
Limiting screen time for kids. These days it's not easy. How to set realistic boundaries. In today's digital age, managing screen time for children has become a…

What is the baby bust and why did it get worse during the pandemic?
What is the baby bust? Why did it get worse during the pandemic? Sociocultural changes are affecting birth rates. With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in…

Setting boundaries: Balancing love with discipline in parenting
Setting boundaries with kids is a challenge. Parenting is a balancing act. These tips will help you balance love and discipline. Being a parent is akin to…

5 foods you should eat while breastfeeding
Should you change your diet while nursing? Here are five foods you should eat while breastfeeding. New moms need more energy! What should you eat while breastfeeding?…

Active listening: Building strong bonds with your kids
Active listening with kids. It's an excellent way for parents to build bonds. Learn these active listening techniques. Being a parent comes with a host of challenges,…

Parenting expert Lola Hernández talks to MundoNOW about the importance of setting boundaries
Lola Hernández talks about setting boundaries. She promotes positive reinforcement. The parenting expert stresses the importance of setting limits. In a revealing conversation full of wisdom, family…

4 key facts about the new postpartum depression pill
Postpartum depression pill: An effective new treatment? Many women suffer from postpartum depression. Zuranolone could provide fast relief. Postpartum depression is an issue that affects many women…

The Parenting Bible: The 10 best parenting books on the market
We all seem to think of ourselves as experts when it comes to knowing the best parenting books for children. Once you finish reading What to Expect…

4 keys to IVF: The technique Carlos Rivera’s wife used to have her baby
Learn about Cynthia Rodríguez's IVF journey. She had fertility issues. What is in vitro fertilization? Singer Carlos Rivera and actress Cynthia Rodríguez had their son through in…

How does breastfeeding change your body?
Have you noticed changes in your body during breastfeeding? During the process of breastfeeding your newborn baby you may see remarkable changes in your body, but this…

What foods should you avoid feeding your baby?
What do experts say about babies' diets? What foods should you avoid feeding your baby? Some food hazards include choking and allergies. What foods should you avoid…

5 important facts about postpartum depression
Approximately 1 in 7 women may develop postpartum depression. The condition can affect both mother and child. 5 facts to help you understand postpartum depression. What are…

Signs that your child has heat stroke and how to treat it
Precautions we must take due to the coming heat. If your child has these symptoms, they may be suffering from heat stroke. How to treat heat stroke…

Study finds that women need more sleep than men
Study finds that women need more sleep than men. There are variety of reasons for this. Why is it important to get enough sleep? The National Sleep…

What are the benefits of eating the placenta after giving birth?
In 2018, a third of pregnant women reported having eaten their placenta. It is believed to provide numerous benefits after childbirth. Find out the benefits of eating…

4 reasons not to give your cell phone or tablet to your baby
Did you know that 80% of children in the US have access to a tablet? Find out what the medical community says about it. 4 reasons why…

Baby name consultant predicts trends for 2023
Stephanie Coffield is a baby name consultant. She predicts which names will be trending in 2023. She bets on dark, mystical and romantic names. Stephanie Coffield is…

4 reasons why you should vaccinate your children
The vaccination rate for children has fallen dramatically in recent years. This means there's a higher chance of catching diseases we thought were eradicated. Find out why…

What is the best age to have a baby according to science?
What is the best age to have a baby? Find out what science says about it! Some fertility specialists say the best age to have children is…

4 tips for weaning your baby from breastfeeding
At least 29.9% of children are exclusively breastfed during their first six months of life. 60% of mothers start weaning earlier than planned. Tips to start weaning…

How many days of maternity leave do workers get in the US?
Many workers in the US get maternity leave. Not all people are eligible so find out the requirements! 12 weeks of maternity leave is customary but this…

What is Mom Shaming?
Have you heard about mom shaming? If you are a mother, it is likely that on more than one occasion you have received comments or been the…

Does your baby cry too much? Signs you should consult your pediatrician
What you should know if your baby cries too much. When is time to see the pediatrician? Signs that there may be a health problem. Every mother…

Movin’ on up: 12 ways kids can get ahead before graduating high school
The importance of learning life skills for teens beyond the classroom can’t be underestimated. Proper preparation for college, working, travelling or volunteering, can reap great rewards for…

Moms-to-be: Take these 4 financial steps before your baby arrives
Four money moves to make before your baby arrives. Start preparing your finances early in your pregnancy. If you don't already have a budget, this should be…

Expert tips for raising a child when the future seems uncertain
A parenting expert spoke to The Sun. Things you have to take into account when raising a child. Learn how to improve communication with your children. Parenting…

Make DIY toner with only 3 ingredients for a fresh, dewy complexion
Make your own homemade toner with only three natural ingredients. Say goodbye to annoying bags and laugh lines. It will give you a fresh, youthful complexion. Homemade…

How to Help Your Kids with Goal Setting
Any successful adult you come across most likely had parents who taught them a thing or two about goal setting. After all, in children’s author Antoine de…

5 signs that your child is entering puberty
These are the signs that puberty has started! The onset of puberty usually brings with it numerous physical, mental and emotional changes that appear gradually in children…

6 ways to involve dad in breastfeeding
Are you looking for ways to involve dad in breastfeeding? This is one of the most crucial postpartum stages and also one of the most exhausting for…

Mistakes that parents make with kids who are picky eaters!
Doing these things WILL NOT convince your child to eat! Here are some tips for getting your baby to eat. Picky eaters are actually very common. Mistakes…

The cleaning products you use could harm your unborn baby
Babies are very fragile. Some cleaning products contain harsh chemicals. Keep your unborn baby safe. Cleaning products could harm unborn babies. All families begin to prepare when…

Attention! These new safe sleep guidelines could save your baby’s life
New guidelines to avoid Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Follow these new safe sleep guidelines. What is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. New recommendations have been released that address…

Pregnancy Headphones Upgrade: The Fetal Sound System
Pregnancy headphones have just been taken to a whole new level. Vaginal speakers are now a thing that you can buy for a little over $100. So…

Parenting by Talking to Your Children Like They’re Adults
In the past few years there's been a backlash to helicopter parenting that advocates treating children like adults. Celebs like Penelope Cruz and Tobey Maguire have embraced…

Happy Love: 10 Things Latina Moms Do To Make Their Kids Smile
Is there anything mom wouldn't do for you? Perhaps the best memories of your childhood are related to the moments you spent with mom and the way…

A powerful and peaceful beginning and ending: 10 morning and evening rituals
Do you already have routines to start and end your day? This is a good day to adopt new habits! According to statistics, 92% of people who…

20 bad habits that ruin your teeth
When it comes to dental hygiene, brushing your teeth is not enough. It is necessary to choose the right products according to our own dental characteristics, and…

15 Ways Your Latina Daughter Can Avoid the Teen Pregnancy Trap
As any parent knows there is a LOT to worry about when it comes to raising your kids. Everything from sleep training and potty training to dealing…

Real Talk: How to Pick Up on the Signs of Dyslexia in Kids
When you become a parent it is terrifying. Even if everything goes smoothly from birth to the teenage years (and beyond) you are perpetually scared that something…