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20 bad habits that ruin your teeth

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When it comes to dental hygiene, brushing your teeth is not enough. It is necessary to choose the right products according to our own dental characteristics, and for that, Crest is the perfect option. With a wide variety of toothpastes, you will have all the tools to take care of your teeth at all times — but be careful! Because, sometimes, bad habits can work against all the gains you have made with your oral care.

Here are 20 bad habits that can put your teeth at risk. From inadequate hygiene to selecting the wrong toothpaste, these are the practices you should avoid to ensure that your teeth are preserved for many years.

20. Chewing ice

Un modelo dental con dientes y hielos

Are you one of those people who likes to chew ice? It’s time to stop! This activity, although it seems harmless, represents a serious risk to your teeth, since it can cause chipping and even breakage.

As you work on breaking your ice chewing habit, consider updating your oral care as well. Choose from the wide variety of Crest products that can address tooth sensitivity and strengthen your enamel for a perfect smile for years to come.

19. Getting facial piercings


In a clinical study carried out in 2020, it was found that at least 22% of patients who have piercings in the tongue or in any part of the mouth presented dental injuries that led to the total or partial loss of teeth. This statistic is alarming and serves as an invitation to avoid them altogether.

In general, it is believed that the friction of the piercing with the teeth, as well as salivary secretions, play a significant role in tooth wear and breakage. Also, if you ever need an x-ray, the piercing could interfere with getting accurate results.

18. Grinding teeth

Dama con dientes adoloridos

In the United States, it is reported that at least 30 million people grind their teeth at any time of the day, but especially at night. For this, it is recommended to use dental guards, which protect the teeth from possible chipping.

It is important to carefully observe your teeth and visit the dentist regularly to detect any changes in their appearance. Many times patients who grind their teeth do not realize it until it is too late and they are feeling pain or discomfort.

17. Eating sweets


Most dentists recommend avoiding sweets altogether, since bacteria tends to grow more easily on oral surfaces when sugar is present.

In addition to sweets, syrups and cough drops also represent a risk to oral health. For this reason, it is recommended to brush your teeth with the appropriate toothpaste after eating sugary treats. Crest + Scope is a great option since it has fluoride to help fight cavities.

16. Drinking fizzy beverages


The frequent consumption of carbonated beverages may seem harmless in the short term, but after a while it could cause serious discomfort such as hypersensitivity, discoloration and dental wear due to exposure to the acids contained in these types of drinks.

To avoid dental erosion, experts recommend that you brush regularly. However, they also agree that you should wait at least 30 minutes after consuming fizzy drinks to brush your teeth. This will help prevent causing further damage.

15. Drinking alcohol


Beer, liquor and cocktails all have a high sugar content as well as a high level of acidity. When consumed regularly, they can cause damage to the tooth enamel which has the mission of protecting your teeth from external agents.

As a result, it is possible that, after consuming alcoholic beverages for an extended period of time, you notice cavities appear more frequently. Another, even more serious condition, is periodontal disease. Remember that if you are going to consume alcoholic beverages, it is essential that you brush with toothpaste after half an hour.

14. Opening packages with your teeth

Foto de cerca de dientes artificiales

Are you one of those people who opens packages with their teeth? Maybe it’s time to give up this practice forever! Although it seems harmless, it represents a serious risk to your teeth and to your oral health in general.

Ripping open packets with your teeth increases your risk of contracting disease-causing bacteria. However, perhaps one of the most notable risks is fracturing and damaging your tooth enamel. Instead of your teeth, use scissors or a knife to gradually break this habit.

13. Chewing pens and pencils


If you have a habit of biting or chewing pens or pencils, you should know that every time you do so you could severely injure your teeth. You are also applying unnecessary pressure that sometimes leads to movement or separation of the teeth.

Another risk associated with chewing pens and pencils is that it causes damage similar to tooth grinding. If you have a tendency to do this, it is best to find an alternative such as sugar-free chewing gum, in addition to practicing dental hygiene with an appropriate toothpaste.

12. Smoking


Tobacco is one of the bad habits that most damages people’s teeth. This happens gradually because this product increases the production of dental plaque. In the long term, this leads to discoloration and even loss of teeth.

Statistically, people who smoke have a higher risk of diseases, such as cancer or periodontal disease, that cause long-term pain and discomfort. Taking care of your teeth with the right products will significantly improve your dental health. Don’t hurt your teeth!

11. Brushing too hard


Another habit that causes tooth issues is brushing too hard. Vigorous brushing, at least in the long run, hurts your gums and erodes tooth enamel. Thus, oral health experts recommend cleaning your teeth gently and following your dentist’s instructions.

As you improve your technique, counteract the effects of over-brushing by incorporating Crest products that focus on revitalizing your gum health and restoring tooth enamel into your daily routine.

10. Thumb sucking


Thumb sucking may seem like a harmless habit in the first months of life. However, when children up to five years old, or those who already have permanent teeth, suck their thumbs it can negatively affect their teeth.

Excessive thumb sucking can cause children to get sick more often due to the presence of bacteria, have a higher risk of suffering from periodontal disease and require the intervention of an orthodontist to correct and align the teeth.

9. Drinking too much coffee


Like tobacco, the habitual consumption of large quantities of coffee can stain your teeth, creating a yellowish color, an increased risk of cavities, loss of enamel and dental issues that, in extreme cases, can cause your teeth to break.

If you love coffee and you want to repair the damage, in addition to consulting your dentist, you can use products such as toothpastes specially designed to strengthen tooth enamel, as well as to gradually whiten teeth. Crest 3WD Radiant Mint is a great option to help keep your teeth white as it removes 90% more surface stains than regular toothpaste and starts whitening after one brush.

8. Nail biting

Una persona mordiendo con los dientes su dedo pulgar

According to statistics, at least 45% of adolescents have the habit of biting their nails, and this considerably increases the risk of damaging the teeth, breaking them and causing them to change position over time.

Good dental hygiene is essential for people who have the habit of biting their nails, as it counteracts the wear on your enamel and reduces the risk that your teeth will weaken and change color or position.

7. Brushing right after eating or drinking

Una persona cepillándose los dientes

It is true that you must exercise thorough dental hygiene that includes the use of a Crest toothpaste that meets your specific needs. However, many people have a habit of brushing their teeth right after they have finished eating their food.

Science has found that brushing your teeth right after eating or drinking any kind of food or beverage may have more risks than benefits. Therefore, it is recommended to wait to brush for at least half an hour after eating or drinking.

6. Snacking on the wrong foods


There’s nothing wrong with snacking between meals, especially if you go for healthy fruits and vegetables. However, if you find yourself grazing on starchy, sugary or acidic foods too frequently throughout the day, you could be harming your teeth.

Those kinds of foods can alter the pH in your mouth, creating a breeding ground for bacteria so, if you don’t give your teeth a break now and then, you could be inviting cavities. Drinking plenty of water and using a rinse after snacks will help keep your oral pH balanced and your teeth happy.

5. Playing sports without protecting your teeth


People who play contact sports, and even those who engage in recreational activities, without wearing proper dental guards may be at higher risk of accidents that result in tooth loss or tooth wear.

If you or your children are about to start practicing a sport, it is necessary to take into account that good dental habits will help keep the teeth healthy and strong to prevent any hits from hurting your teeth.

4. Bad brushing technique

Un modelo bucal con un cepillo que exhibe cómo usarlo

A bad toothbrushing technique is one of the main causes of damage to the tooth enamel. Many people usually spend only 45 seconds on their dental hygiene routine though the recommended time is two minutes.

Spending less than this amount of time means you aren’t reaching every nook and cranny. It also prevents the fluoride from doing its job correctly. Remember that you should also brush your tongue, as it is a carrier of bacteria that can damage your teeth.

3. Not flossing


After using the best Crest toothpaste for you, remove accumulated food debris at least once a day by flossing. Along with removing plaque, it helps rid your mouth of dirt in places that a toothbrush can’t reach.

Flossing doesn’t just remove plaque and food particles, along with an effective mouthwash, it ensures that your breath stays fresh all day.

2. Keeping your toothbrush too long

Cepillos de dientes

Change your toothbrush regularly! Dental health experts estimate that the appropriate time to replace your brush is between three and four months — or if you notice that the bristles are too damaged to perform their function.

If you have recently suffered from an illness or if your toothbrush has been near that of a sick person, it is recommended to replace it. In the case of children, experts say that toothbrushes should be changed more frequently.

1. Rinsing right after brushing


Watch out! If you are in the habit of rinsing your mouth with water immediately after using toothpaste, you should know that you could be putting your oral health at risk. This is because doing so removes the fluoride contained in the toothpaste, the purpose of which is to protect your teeth.

Remember that the instinct to rinse your mouth after brushing is a habit that could do you more harm than good and it is not recommended if you want to keep a healthy, sparkling smile. As you can see, it is very easy to maintain proper dental hygiene, especially if you use specialized Crest products.

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